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*Crimson Tide Rust  Servers shares and receives player data with Battlemetrics and
All Bans, Kicks, Chat or Voice mutes are shared with various Rust Servers.
Please read and abide by the rules below. 
  1. At all times Players and Admins are expected to act with integrity and treat each other with respect.
  2. Listen to and obey the Admins at all times.
  3. Don’t take things too seriously, it’s a game!

Players may be punished if they are not considered to be displaying Fair play/Maturity, regardless of whether they have broken any of the below rules. We all like to have a laugh and fool around, but not to the detriment of another player’s experience.

The Golden Rule:

Above anything else, ask yourself the following two questions:

1. Would I be ok if someone else did this to me?
2.Would I do this if there was an admin floating over my shoulder watching?

If the answer to either of those questions is "No" then you are breaking our rules.

The following rules may not cover every scenario, Crimson Tide Rust Admins reserve the right to handle any unique situations that fall outside the scope of these rules.

Moderators are here to help
Moderators are here to maintain the context of the server and help players. This includes answering questions, engaging with players in positive ways, removing Crimson Tide players/hackers, helping out fresh spawns, and running community events.

Ban Evasion & VAC/Game Bans
Players caught circumventing a Rust ban (game or otherwise) will have their new account(s) banned unless the original ban is reversed. If you have any accounts with a VAC/Game ban in any game other than Rust, that is less than 180 days old you will be banned from our servers.

Hacker/Banned Player Association
If a player is game banned or banned from ANY rust servers for any reason, they are not allowed to evade that ban and play again on a new account. When we catch players doing this they will be banned again for Ban Evasion. Associating with these players on a new account can, and often will, result in a ban for individuals or an entire team depending on the circumstances.

Toxic Behavior
Aggressive behavior is a part of normal gameplay in Rust. Toxic behavior is when someone’s actions start impacting the entire server. A prime example of this would be spamming chat or using racial slurs, this is a bannable offence.

Offensive Material
Offensive material is a very subjective area. Signs depicting bigotry or offensive slurs may be removed by Moderators without warning, and potentially further action(s) may ensue.

Rust is still very much in development and as such we do not police most glitches that find their way into the game. At this time we restrict playing outside of the intended play zone (such as under the terrain or inside of rocks). Certain exceptions to this rule may be made at moderators discretion.

Exploiting is defined as 'Using or abusing a design flaw, configuration flaw, or error/bug for personal gain or achievement in a way that was obviously not intended to be possible Please report these to an admin.

Real Life Threats
To know the severity of the threat, it is important to understand the context behind the statement. For example, if someone says they’re going to “f*** someone’s mom” in all chat, it’s obvious that’s not a real threat. If the player is talking about tracking them down in real life or swatting them, please report them.

Doxing is the act of releasing the personal information of another player. This can include any real life information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. Players found to be doing this will be evaluated as to the severity, but ultimately, offenses of this nature are grounds for an immediate ban.

Server / Admin Hating
Publicly disparaging Elite Gaming or its staff is not tolerated and may result in action taken against individuals who do so. If you have a complaint about the server itself, please submit a support ticket. 

Playing as a moderator
Aside from community events, moderators on Elite Gaming servers do not participate in normal gameplay on their moderator accounts. Instead, we ask that moderators use an alternate account to experience the full range of Rust gameplay.